Editor's review
Free Barcode Software is useful to generate professional barcode labels as per your requirement. You can create color barcode, have colored caption and barcode text and you can define background color for your barcode as per your choice. It supports wide range of fonts which can support different types of industries, companies and postal codes.
Features: Application is nicely designed so that you can easily create good quality of barcode in a few simple steps. You have an import option to import barcode and caption list available in TXT format. You can add prefix or suffix to your barcode list for easy identification. Application allow export barcode as image in widely supported image format such as JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, WMF, EMD, EXIF and ICO format.
To generate professional barcode, you need to follow simple steps. In the first step define barcode format, select barcode style from the drop down list of supported barcode style, enter barcode value and caption for your barcode. Application allows you to set height and barcode density. You can hide caption or text, if you don’t want to print or display. Set text alignment as left, center or right. Application allows you to use data from constant values or take code values and caption text values from the list. Application allows you to create a list as sequential list, constant value list and random list. Using print layout option, you can set rows, columns, top margin and side margin. Select alignment as Auto or manual. With manual option you can set label width, label height, horizontal pitch and vertical pitch. Select type of printer from the available list, select printer properties, view print preview and print your barcode.
Overall: This is a very nice software to generate color barcode of any size, which can recognize by any barcode scanner.
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